Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Visual Studio 2015

Some new features in Visual Studio 2015:
  • Visual Studio 2015 RC Downloads
  • .Net in GitHub
  • Vsual Studio Code
  • Visual Studio Online
  • Visual Studio 2015 includes Xamarin integrated for mobile development
  • Cordovo tooling in Visual Studio 2015
  • .Net and microservices
  • Don't have to build to run a web app
  • All source code are in Git hub (example Asp.Net MVC source code). If we get source code, source reference will override nuget package.
  • Dev and Test in Cloud - use virtual machines
  • Debugging
    • Performance step (no more debug trace lines)
    • Applying linq queries with lamda expression in the output window while debugging
    • Editing the linq query real time while debugging

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